Restore the Appearance and Function of Your Smile with Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Full mouth rehabilitation in Burlington, Ontario, is a complex procedure used to restore a multi-flawed smile. During this procedure, Tansley Woods Dentistry takes care of the entire mouth while keeping a significant focus on the aesthetic front. In other words, a full mouth restoration with Dr. Thelam Nguyen and the team combines several treatments to enhance your smile’s health, function, and aesthetics. Who is an ideal candidate for full mouth reconstruction? When you have a single dental issue like a cavity, a composite filling is the only treatment you need to restore your smile. However, sometimes, a single treatment isn’t enough to restore oral health. … Continue reading
Rebuild Your Smile, Restore Your Oral Health with Full Mouth Rehabilitation Services
In an ideal life, your teeth should last a lifetime. But because our world is anything but utopic, your teeth may suffer from injury, disease, neglect, and other dental issues. When your smile is damaged, this doesn’t have to become your new normal! Full mouth restoration from Tansley Woods Dentistry in Burlington, Ontario, can repair and rebuild your oral health to restore its function and appearance as it used to be, if not better. Full oral rehabilitation defined A dental filling is enough to address your dental issue if you have a cavity. Similarly, if you have a missing tooth, an implant or bridge … Continue reading
Reclaim Your Smile with Oral Rehabilitation Treatment
Whether your smile is suffering from tooth decay or physical trauma, or you want to have a fresh start and reinvent your smile’s appearance, at Tansley Woods Dentistry, in Burlington, our dentist Dr. Thelam Nguyen and his talented team can help you find the smile of your dreams. What is Full Oral Rehabilitation? Full oral rehabilitation involves a comprehensive game plan to restore your smile after a traumatic injury, severe tooth decay, uneven wear and tear, acid erosion, or any other issues that can impact the appearance and function of your smile. However, full-mouth rehabilitation takes more than just expertise. … Continue reading
Restore the Function and Form of Your Smile with Full-Mouth Rehabilitation Services
In an ideal world, your teeth and gums would go a distance, providing you with a lifetime of a healthy smile. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a utopic world. Dental problems like injuries, decay, and disease are likely to crop up, warranting full mouth rehabilitation. At Tansley Woods Dentistry, Dr. Thelam Nguyen and the team offer numerous comprehensive full mouth reconstruction services to restore the function and form of your smile. Who Needs a Complete Mouth Restoration? Full mouth reconstruction uses several dental care procedures to restore function, comfort, and appearance of your teeth and gums. But how do you … Continue reading
Complete Oral Rehabilitation for a Healthy, Functional Smile
Has your smile fallen victim to neglect, decay, or gum disease? Your smile is never a lost cause. So, whether it’s decay, damage, or wear and tear, Tansley Woods Dentistry is here to help residents in and around Burlington. We offer customized complete mouth rehabilitation services to eliminate pain and improve the function and appearance of your smile. What Does a Full Mouth Rehabilitation Entail? Missing teeth, gum disease, cavities, and dental damage may appear as far-fetched dental problems, but they can appear to the best of us at once! Luckily, a combination of restorative and cosmetic dental care procedures can rebuild your teeth … Continue reading
Why You Should Consider a Full Smile Rehabilitation for Restoration of Functionality and Aesthetics
Is your smile due for a makeover? Maybe you have allowed your smile to reach a state of disrepair with substantial tooth decay. In some cases, significant physical trauma to the mouth can lead to a need for a makeover. Whatever the reason, if you are looking for a new start in the Burlington, Ontario area, you can trust your dental health to Dr. Thelam Nguyen and the team at Tansley Woods Dentistry. If you want to take your smile back and restore it to health and an appearance you will be proud of, you should consider undergoing a complete … Continue reading
Reclaim your life with Complete Mouth Rehabilitation
An imperfect smile can impede you from living the life you want. Whether it’s stained, broken, misshapen, or missing teeth, these imperfections make it mission impossible to enjoy the food you love. Besides, teeth flaws make you feel less jubilant even for a joyous event like attending a wedding — the dip in confidence makes you feel like giving up even before you get started! Are you suffering from multiple dental flaws that can’t be fixed by one dental procedure? It can be so overwhelming when many dental challenges face you at the same time. Fortunately, you can reinvent your … Continue reading
Understanding and Recognizing the Benefits of Complete Oral Rehabilitation in Burlington, ON
An individual’s oral health is incredibly impactful on everyday living. When something is wrong, you will most often feel some inkling of pain or discomfort. If your teeth have worn unevenly, you may have a hard time chewing. Chips and cracks in teeth could have you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. These examples are mere illustrations of how your oral health could be affecting your life. If you are in need of complete oral rehabilitation and live in Burlington, ON, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Thelam Nguyen and the team at Tansley Woods Dentistry. Dr. Nguyen is a trusted dentist in the … Continue reading
Dentist for Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation is a New Start in Burlington
The wellbeing of your mouth is a central part of your overall health. Problems with the look, feel, or function of your mouth can damage your confidence, but can also cause more complex health issues long-term. Everyone deserves a healthy, functioning smile, but life is full of unexpected developments that can result in damage to your gums, teeth, or jaw. Patients who have experienced physical trauma, severe decay, or other dental issues might benefit from a full mouth rehabilitation — a comprehensive approach to restoring the look, feel, and health of your mouth. Whatever the severity of your symptoms, a … Continue reading
Burlington, ON, dentist provides tips for proper oral hygiene care
Oral health care is a critical piece of your overall health and wellness. Many adults only think about the health of their mouth when they are scheduling their regular checkups or have a toothache. However, as Dr. Thelam Nguyen of Tansley Woods Dentistry in Burlington, ON, reminds his patients, oral proper oral hygiene at home can help ensure that your mouth stays healthy and happy. Tips to keep your mouth healthy Brush and floss: Dentists stress the importance of brushing and flossing for good reason. It is the only way to properly remove food particles from the teeth before they … Continue reading