What You Can Expect from Invisalign and a Look at Its Limitations
If you have ever considered Invisalign clear aligners to help correct your imperfect smile, you are one of the millions that have done so. At Tansley Woods Dentistry in Burlington, Ontario, Dr. Thelam Nguyen and his team consult with patients considering this breakthrough treatment every day. In many situations, Invisalign can be a great help and proves to be the answer to gaining the perfect smile. However, as with any treatment, there are limitations. Let us look at what Invisalign can and cannot fix with your smile.
How Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign has provided excellent results to so many worldwide who are seeking a more beautiful smile. But how does Invisalign achieve this? The answer lies in Invisalign’s clear aligners, which are designed to gently reposition your teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are completely clear, discreet, and removable. Nobody will ever need to know you are wearing them if that is what you want.
The aligners are created from three-dimensional scans of your mouth. Every six to eight weeks, you will receive a new set of aligners to keep your treatment progressing. The entire Invisalign treatment process can take nine to fifteen months to achieve complete results. These results are only attainable if you wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day, removing them only to eat, brush your teeth, and clean the aligners.
What Can Invisalign Fix?
Invisalign has proven highly successful in correcting the following dental issues:
- Crooked teeth
- Mild to moderate overbites and underbites
- Small gaps between teeth
- Open bites
- Crowded teeth
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What Invisalign Cannot Fix
As with any dental or medical treatment, Invisalign has its limitations. Some dental conditions which Invisalign cannot fix include severe over or underbites, teeth rotated in their sockets due to overcrowding, significant gaps between teeth, and intrusions/extrusions. In addition, individuals with teeth considered short may not be able to use the aligners as they will not grip well.
If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign, please call Tansley Woods Dentistry today at (289) 273-4289.
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