Restore Gum Health after Gum Disease Treatment with Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft Tissue Graft Dentist in Burlington ON Area

Your gums are designed to protect and support your teeth. Periodontal disease can cause your gums to deteriorate and recede, resulting in loose or lost permanent teeth. Soft tissue grating offers a means of restoring gum health after perio treatment, to prevent further gum recession and save your teeth. A visit to your soft tissue grafting dentist, Dr. Thelam Nguyen of Tansley Woods Dentistry in Burlington, Ontario, can determine if this treatment is viable for you.

Signs You May Need a Soft Tissue Graft

If you’ve been diagnosed with periodontal disease and have these symptoms, you could be a candidate for soft tissue grafting treatment:

  • Gum inflammation and tenderness
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth or gum sensitivity
  • Exposed tooth roots
  • Loose teeth

Treating gum infection is paramount to prevent further damage to your gums and teeth. Once the condition is under control, Dr. Nguyen can proceed with your soft tissue graft procedure.

Soft Tissue Grafting Treatment Images

Before and After image of Soft Tissue Graft Dentist in Burlington ON Area

Gum Grafting

What to Expect from Soft Tissue Grafting Treatment

Soft tissue grafting entails removing tissue from other areas of your mouth and stitching it to your gums where they have receded to help cover exposed tooth roots. We’ll numb your mouth with a local anesthetic for this treatment, so you feel no pain or discomfort during your procedure.

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Afterward, you may feel slight pain or swelling once the anesthetic has worn off. OTC pain medications can relieve these symptoms. We may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection after your surgery. It may take a few weeks for your gums to heal fully. We’ll provide instructions for your recovery and monitor your progress to ensure there are no negative after-effects from your procedure.

Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft tissue grafting restores your natural gum line to improve your smile’s appearance. It also reduces pain and sensitivity when you eat or drink. Most importantly, it restores your gum health to help preserve your natural teeth.

To schedule a consultation with a soft tissue graft dentist near you, contact Dr. Thelam Nguyen from Tansley Woods Dentistry, Burlington, Ontario, at (289) 273-4289.

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Dr. Thelam Nguyen
Dr. Thelam Nguyen

Dr. Thelam Nguyen, a distinguished dental professional, combines a solid educational background with over two decades of dedicated practice. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario and a Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Toronto School of Dentistry. Dr. Nguyen's expertise extends to Implant Dentistry, Periodontal Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, and Adult Orthodontics. He is a respected member of prestigious dental organizations, embodying a patient-centered approach at Tansley Woods Dentistry.