Two years ago, her daughter, Raong saw my work on here and reached out to me. Raong wanted my help for her mom’s dental needs. Mom has lost a few teeth over the years and the rest are failing her. Raong explained that her mom is too young and vibrant to not be able to live her life to the fullest. And after meeting Mrs. Phalavong, I agree whole heartedly.
We immediately began treatment. I proposed an ALL ON X for her upper and lower where full arches of beautifully crafted zirconia dentures are anchored with implants. We began by extracting all her failed teeth, bone graft certain sites to accommodate the bone lost. Following were the placement of implants and lastly, the sitting of her upper and lower arches onto the implants. The process took over a year and Raong accompanied her mom to every single appointment. Some were long and Raong just brought her laptop to work at my office.
Throughout the process, I’ve become more acquainted with Raong and heard stories of how hard Mrs. Phalavong have worked to take care of her family and all the sacrifices she has made for her family and it all just make sense.
Raong is now also my patient and the day we celebrated mom, we also celebrated Raong’s Invisalign completion.
Congrats on being able to live your life to the fullest Mrs. Phalavong but I’m also celebrating you Raong! You did all this, for mom …
Not all heroes wear capes, and this has never been more true.