Overcome Dental Cavities with Beautiful, Tooth-like White Fillings

White Dental Fillings in Burlington Area

Hearing that you have a cavity is the last thing you want, especially if you practice near-perfect dental care. However, because of genetics, dietary choices, and certain medical conditions, cavities are common, and many patients will likely have them at some point. Thankfully, you can address cavities and minor tooth decay with dental fillings at Tansley Woods Dentistry, Burlington, Ontario. Dr. Thelam Nguyen prefers composite (white) fillings for their safety and aesthetic appeal when treating tooth decay. 

What are composite fillings and what to expect during the procedure

Composite fillings are made from a tooth-coloured dental filling material called composite resin — a mixture of acrylic resin and inorganic filler material composed of glass and quartz. Composite resin is the same material used to transform your smile with cosmetic dental bonding. So, you can expect your smile to look natural whether we use composite to treat the front or back teeth.

Once you visit our clinic, our dental team will ensure you are the right candidate for white filling after a complete oral assessment. If given the green light, we use local anesthetics to numb the area that needs filling. Next, we use a drill to remove any remaining decay from your tooth, clean the area, and ensure it is dry. 

Next, we apply an adhesive to the filling area to bond the composite filling material to the tooth’s surface. The composite resin material is then applied layer by layer, and for each layer, we use UV light to harden the material. Finally, we will shape and polish the composite filling, removing excess material to achieve the desired shape and shade that seamlessly blends with your natural tooth.

Actual Patients Before and After Results

Cosmetic Dentistry - Before and After Actual Patient Result Case-1 at Tansley Woods Dentistry

Benefits of treating cavities and tooth decay with white fillings

Besides esthetics, other benefits of composite fillings include:

  • Longevity — white fillings are durable to withstand wear and tear over the years
  • Better protection — the material used in white fillings bonds well with the tooth structure, providing optimal support
  • Versatility — besides treating tooth decay, composite resin can repair stained, chipped, or worn-down teeth
  • Safety — unlike metal fillings, composite fillings don’t expand or contract when subjected to thermal stresses. This way, you can enjoy hot or cold beverages without worrying about the risk of dental fractures or cracks
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (289) 273-4289 Existing Patients : (905) 315-9599
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Repair your smile with beautiful dental fillings

If you are susceptible to cavities and tooth decay, you no longer need to hide your smile. Contact Tansley Woods Dentistry at (289) 273-4289 to achieve a beautiful and functional smile with tooth-coloured dental fillings. 

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Dr. Thelam Nguyen
Dr. Thelam Nguyen

Dr. Thelam Nguyen, a distinguished dental professional, combines a solid educational background with over two decades of dedicated practice. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario and a Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Toronto School of Dentistry. Dr. Nguyen's expertise extends to Implant Dentistry, Periodontal Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, and Adult Orthodontics. He is a respected member of prestigious dental organizations, embodying a patient-centered approach at Tansley Woods Dentistry.